Our constantly evolving group invests on an ongoing basis in projects that are geared towards enabling us to enter into the social and cultural fabric of the area in which we are operating.
Our constantly evolving group invests on an ongoing basis in projects that are geared towards enabling us to enter into the social and cultural fabric of the area in which we are operating.

The development we have driven forward over the past twenty years has transformed the Cape Verde archipelago into a place that, while keeping its traditions intact, is making great strides into the worlds of industry and tourism with exceptional competitiveness, freshness and entrepreneurship.
Our innate commitment to partnership is one of the main features of our approach.

Many of the projects we have worked on are the result of a synergy-based approach involving companies and professionals who, by sharing our objectives, have allowed our group to realise projects often considered impossible.

For this reason, we are open to the idea of undertaking new paths. We are constantly evaluating solutions that will make it possible for us, without compromising our values, to continue the process of developing both the group and the areas in which we operate. These solutions cover everything from construction technologies to high-tech solutions in the food, manufacturing and tourism sectors.
For the Stefanina group, the ability to take on new perspectives, which are the fruit of the commitment of professionals and companies passionately investing their resources, does not represent just a purely speculative interest; rather, it connotes a real responsibility on our part – to proceed along this research path with a view to achieving a better future.
Stefanina Group S.p.a.
Via Stretta n.28 - 25128 - Brescia (BS)
Tel. +39 030 3700167 - + 39 030 3702188
Fax +39 030 3700377 - +39 030 397719
PEC: postacert@pec.stefanina.net
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Iscrizione Registro Imprese Brescia - REA BS 272892
Capitale sociale int. vers. € 4.000.000,00
Codice Fiscale e Partita Iva: 01842290171